Monday, August 11, 2008

a little bit shaggy

so, we finally did it!
we had enough hair to get a hair cut.
i looked through tons of magazines to try and find
a simple, but darling little style for our little peanut.
i finally realized that we didn't have a lot of hair to work with...
soOo, a nice little trim and a few layers later and...wa-lah!
we have a sassy little style for this almost 3 year old.
what was your "first-cut" experience like?
i bet there are some great stories out there!
here are a couple of pics of ours-

hmm. a perfect spot for liv.

check out those boots!
this is kind of a big deal...

"now THIS is a big deal!
i *heart* ice cream!"
{olivia jane~2 years 9 mos}