Sunday, March 3, 2013


i vowed, like the taylor swift kind of vow,
that i would never, ever, e v e r 
get  back together...
with leftovers.

ugh to leftovers.
the worst kind of feeling
comes over me when i even say the word 
l e f t o v e r s.
like i just swallowed an entire spoonful of bacteria 
and washed it down with a jar of mold.

i am not down with leftovers.
i could care less that i throw food away...
or, let it sit in the back of the refrigerator until my 
amazing Type A husband throws it away.

(i know you are out there-
you are either standing and saying
a big hello no to leftovers...or, 
you are rolling your eyes because
i'm making such a BIG deal out of them.)

well, i may not be making such a big deal out of them 
after reading chapter 1 in the book, 7.
my whole world is changing - thank you jen hatmaker...i think.

our fearless leader, Amanda {Rosencrantz} Lutz,
is the one who made this spiffy reminder of what
fasting is all about.
 she was one of my roomies in college-where  
we affectionately nicknamed her rosipantz.  
makes me smile just saying it.
love you rosie!  

there are 36 of us from across the U.S.
and a few other countries as well.
love the grace she extends to all of us
as she reminds us that each fast will look
different because each of us so is uniquely different.

including the sexy 7-10 girls!
we are all soOo unique.
my college bff's.

and because my girl jodi, aka spritz, aka sasha
isn't pictured above...

i had to include a pic of this supamodel too.    

when i was thinking about re-joining this 
"long distanced book club for awesome people" 
(that's the name of awesome is that??)
these girls kept coming to my mind and my heart.
we have never done anything like this together
and i was sort of nervous to even ask.
but, one by one...i kept getting responses that they would
join me in this.  i can't wait to see what God has in store for us!


Dion said...

Great to see a peek into your life!

Unknown said...

i felt the same way about seeing your blog! so glad you have one!